Are you ready to finally break out of the loop and take the step up your music career needs?
Learn the proven drum production system of 10x Grammy Nominee Damian Taylor and unlock the secrets that will help you finish better music faster for the rest of your life.
Make sure you get access next time doors open to this career shifting program to help you launch your music to a new level - without wasting thousands on equipment that won't make a difference
"This course is different. It's more effective because you start by working on your mindset. It totally clears the crap out of your digital and mental system! I've never experienced a better course. Damian is a passionate teacher, responsive to questions. The Beats Accelerator Process gives you the constant motivation to explore and improve the way you create, and it eliminates the fear of starting with a blank screen. I'm improving every day since I started The Beats Accelerator Process and I've also learned how to better manage my time while producing. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED."
"Damian not only gives you his entire beat-making process, but with it all the philosophy and thought process behind it. Not once did I feel confused over why he was making moves which would leave me thinking a production boat sailed that I missed. The end results of The Beats Accelerator Process have brought me to a place i thought was only a dream. I never look at an empty session and feel clueless on what to do. As soon as I have my DAW open, not only am I making big moves in seconds, but I enjoy every step of it, and am overjoyed with the results only a week after finishing the lessons."
Maurizo Borgna

Logan Sikora
Grammy and Oscar Nominated Mixer, Engineer & Producer
Audio Engineer,
Music Producer,
Live & Studio Mixer
Learn The Process Of A10 x Grammy NominatedProducer, Mixer, Writer
Damian has devoted his life to working alongside some of the most creative and iconic artists of our era, like Björk, The Prodigy, UNKLE, The Killers, Odette, and many more.
In The Beats Accelerator Process, Damian will walk you step by step through his tested and proven philosophies and methods to assemble - AND MASTER - your own turbocharged drum production engine.
This system and the skills you'll learn from Damian will relentlessly drive forward your musical process. You will positively transform your entire relationship with creativity, technology, the writing process… and even your own sense of what's ultimately possible in your own music career.
"Damian speaks in a language that is technical, yet accessible enough for a producer / artist like me (who doesn’t have decades of engineering experience) to understand. He never makes me feel inferior, which goes a long way in this industry."
"Learning from Damian has been life changing for me, helping me fully bloom as an artist and producer. With The Beats Accelerator Process he has built the most comprehensive drum programming course on the planet which has now left me with skills that I undoubtedly will use for the rest of my music career."
"Damian’s knowledge surpasses the standard process of music production and recording concepts. He is able to convey very deep and complicated ideas in a way that makes them seem simple and rudimentary. The skills, knowledge, and perspective I’ve gained with the help of Damian are purely priceless."
Louise Burns
Recording Artist,
Record Producer,
Zach Howie
Noel Jackson
Self-Produced Recording Artist,
Mastering Engineer, Music Producer,
Acoustic Consultant
To provide the best possible experience for existing members of The Beats Accelerator Process, seats for new entrants only become available occasionally and only for a very limited time.
So If you're serious about stepping up your music career, make sure to join the waitlist today to ensure you don't miss out.
Copyright Damian Taylor Productions, Inc © 2024. All rights reserved.